Last night went to movies, to watch Brüno. It was hilarious. Not a great story, but something fun to do. And the popcorn...I love movie theater popcorn! And like any good, soon to be skinny, girl, I only had the small popcorn. And once again felt stupid buying them. Who buys popcorn that small?? Other than soon to be skinny girls? Little kids?
haha! Funny thing! Once I was at the movies all by myself (I used to d that a lot when I was still with my ex) and like always I had this huge popcorn container. I was waiting to get in to the when young boy with his sister(?) saw me and pointed at me saying, "look at her, she's having that big container as well" (he was carrying that mid-size thing). I guess he wanted the big one but his sister said no, it's too much...
Okay, was fun and before that I cut some more fabric. I can't wait to pierce them with my needle!! They are so amazing! And I'm about to get so many new ones in the mail any day now. Or at least I should. But I still don't have the damn zippers! Last time they arrived in 4 days! Which was exceptional. But now it's been almost two weeks. But I'm sure they are arriving today.
Amazon has re-sent my books. And they even upgrated the shipping method, so I should get them in few days. Yay!
Eilen oltiin katsomassa Brünoa. Se oli tosi hauska. Tarina ei ollut hääppäinen, mutta mukavaa ajnvietettä kyllä. Ja sai ainakin nauraa. Ja tietty syödä paukkumaissia! Leffateattereissa on ihanimmat popcornit. Kunhan muistaa ottaa suolaa mukaan. Kunnon kiltin, pian hoikan, tytön tavoin otin pienet cornit. Ja ihan hyvin se riitti. Jatkoin sitten kyllä Cakeyn karkeilla ;)
Ennen leffaa leikkelin taas kankaita. Pian täytyy päästä niitä ompelemaan. Sen verran makeita ovat! Uusia on postin mukana tulossa, toivottavasti. Vetskareiden on tultavat tänään! Minun täytyy saada ommella!
Amazon on laittanut mulle uudet kirjat tulemaan ja vielä nopeammalla postilla! Jee!!
♥ Raisa
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